Mondays – Ask the PT

with Doug Levine, Duchenne Certified PT

For even more resources, we invite you to visit the Duchenne Physical Therapy Facebook group and to search for a Duchenne Certified Physical Therapist near you.

Ask the PT

The role of the PT and physical therapy programming is quite different in DMD than in other medical conditions. It’s essential to the physical, emotional and social wellbeing of the individual with Duchenne to have knowledgeable PT resources to depend on.

We invite you to join us for Ask the PT with Doug Levine, PT for Duchenne-specific physical therapy information you can rely on. Doug has been specializing in DMD for almost a decade. His full bio is below.

Ask the PT is a weekly event streamed live to the Family, Friends and Duchenne Facebook page at 3:30ish CST on Mondays. We chat about physical therapy concerns for individuals with Duchenne and carriers, too. From stretches to medical devices, medical procedures and home modifications, there’s so much valuable information to share with the community.

We discuss a different topic each week and we also welcome guests to ask their questions on the show. Please reach out to us anytime with a topic you’d like to discuss and visit the Ask the PT Archives.

About Doug Levine, PT

Doug Levine, PT

Doug Levine, PT, is the owner of Growing Places Therapy Services, PLLC located in Austin, Texas. A physical therapist since 1997, he has primarily focused on pediatrics and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Since 2006, Growing Places has served over 700 children and their families, providing pediatric physical, occupational and speech therapies in the home, school and daycare settings.

Doug is also a CureDuchenne certified therapist, who provides Duchenne-specific interventions and instructions to families, therapists and other healthcare professionals with CureDuchenne, an international advocacy organization.

Doug is incredibly generous with his time and expertise and is a huge asset to our Duchenne community. Thank you, Doug, for all you do for our community!