Medicaid Waivers

It is absolutely overwhelming receiving confirmation of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Please rest assured that the staff at Filis Law Firm can help in many ways.

Filis Law Firm specializes in helping families with children with special needs – like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, Down Syndrome, etc. – in areas including Special Needs Trusts, Family Law, Probate, Estate Planning, and Guardianship.

They will knowledgeably guide you though the legal issues your family needs to address, whether you’re starting at the beginning and considering a Special Needs Trust, or you have more complicated matters – like whether your family needs a Medical Power of Attorney with a Durable Power of Attorney or if Guardianship of an adult child with special needs will meet your needs.

Filis Law Firm can help you find your way.

Filis Law Firm’s 8 Legal Steps

If you live in the States, the very first thing you need to do is to sign your child up for the waiting list for Medicaid waiver programs. These programs offer so many things that will benefit your family. Do be aware that these programs are based on child assets not parent income. Watch this video below to learn more.

Signing up for Medicaid Waiver Programs

Next, start educating yourself about the legal steps you need to take in order to protect your child’s eligibility for affordable health care, medical equipment funds, home remodeling financial assistance and respite care for the caregivers.

Here are some ways to become more familiar with those legal steps:

More about the Filis Law Firm

Filis Law Firm is located in Houston, Texas. Proudly serving Harris County and surrounding areas.

For clients with transportation limitations, let the office know that a home or Zoom visit might be necessary, and they will do their best to accomplish you.

You can follow Filis Law Firm on Twitter, visit their Facebook page, or see Leona’s professional profile on LinkedIn.

(Tel) 713-462-1777
(Fax) 713-583-8323

Disclaimer: The Filis Law Firm provides this information and is not establishing an attorney/client relationship with a person downloading forms and information from the website.