Wednesdays – For Grandparents

with Karen Hankins and Kimberly Densford

Support Group for DMD Grandparents
Wednesdays 7pm CST
register here

When someone becomes a grandparent, they don’t shed their role as a parent. They grow room in their heart to carry both relationships tenderly.

Grandparents carry two types of love and two types of joy. When it comes to Duchenne, they carry two types of grief, too.

Their fears need validation. Their pain needs validation. They often need support in carrying their two types of grief.

You are invited to join our Support Group for DMD Grandparents, hosted by DMD grandparents Karen Hankins and Kimberly Densford.

We also invite you to join the Grandparents – Family, Friends and Duchenne Facebook groups for grandparents of children with Duchenne – just in case you need support in between meetings.

About Our Hosts

Karen Hankins

Kimberly Densford